As the name suggests, LibreOffice Basic is a programming language from the Basic family. This distinction is not made in LibreOffice Basic, because charts in LibreOffice Calc are always created as embedded objects of a table page. As an alternative, a validity range with start and end values can be specified for the data field declaration. Text frames are considered to be TextContent objects, just like tables and graphs. The type declaration symbol for a currency variable is @. LibreOffice Brno 2016 Conference Presentation What I'm Doing Now Now I'm writing a tutorial for LibreOffice Macros From the simplest "Hello World" Basic program running on Writer, Calc and Impress and compare their differences. The CompatibilityMode statement and function provide greater compatibility with VBA, by changing the operation of certain functions. If it encounters a corresponding paragraph portion, it deletes the direct formatting using the setPropertyToDefault method and assigns a MyBold character template to the corresponding paragraph portion. Event-Driven Macros This section describes how to assign Basic programs to program events. In addition to the methods and properties of control elements, both dialog and control element objects have a subordinate Model object. For all axes an additional title can be displayed. Finally, when calling up a text file, the eof instruction is used to check whether the end of the file has been reached: The following example shows how a text file can be read: The individual lines are retrieved in a Do While loop, saved in the Msg variable, and displayed at the end in a message box. The first character of a marker must be a letter or an underscore. The following example combines two drawing objects: This code creates a rectangle and a circle and inserts them into a page. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the axes title: and for the secondary axes (available since 3.0): The objects for formatting the axes title are based on the service, which is also used for chart titles. The example first checks if the error number corresponds to the expected number (as stored in the imaginary ExpectedErrorNo constant) and then handles the error accordingly. In the first example, the sheet is accessed by its number (counting begins at 0). The starting point for establishing the text fields present is the TextFields list of the document object. The objective of developing this interface was to provide access to as many different data sources as possible. The user can therefore, for example, change the font type of all level one headers by means of a central modification in the document. Regardless of this, in some instances you will have to directly access the file system, search through directories or edit text files. LibreOffice BASIC Programming Guide. The following return values are available in this instance: In the previous example, checking the return values could be as follows: In addition to the information text and the parameter for arranging the information box, MsgBox also permits a third parameter, which defines the text for the box title: If no box title is specified, the default is soffice. These services are appropriate for applications in which the content of a text is to be edited in one pass through a loop. The following example uses this method to create an object of cell C3. Base includes additional functionality that allows you to create full data-driven applications. An annotation field has the following properties. Then the new page is renamed. In addition to the properties for characters ( service, refer to #Text Documents) and lines ( service, refer to #Drawings and Presentations), it provides the following properties: For the primary axes grids and sub grids can be displayed, matching to the major and minor intervals. However, the value 1.43 x 10-2 (corresponding to 0.0143) was the intended value. Basic can handle both methods like a property Name. Several independent lists containing corner points can therefore be specified and combined to form a complete object. The following call can therefore be used to provide a file with read-only status: The date and time of the last amendment to a file are provided by the FileDateTime function. All navigation methods furthermore return a Boolean parameter which specifies whether the navigation was successful or whether the action was terminated for lack of text. The charts are always accessed using the Charts list of the associated Sheet object. All occurrences of the name, The character $ marks a paragraph end. Below, you will find a list of the most important text fields and their associated properties. Drawing objects include shapes (rectangles, circles, and so on), lines, and text objects. In some situations, it is not the actual text of a document, but rather its structure that needs modifying. In error handling, it is useful to have a description of the error and to know where and why the error occurred: shows how the error information can be displayed in a message window. Every control element has its own name that can be queried using the following model property: You can specify the title that appears in the title bar of a dialog with the following model property: You can query the size and position of a control element using the following properties of the model object: To ensure platform independence for the appearance of dialogs, LibreOffice uses the Map AppFont (ma) internal unit to specify the position and size within dialogs. The example Dim MyIntArray(5, 5) As Integer defines an integer array with two dimensions, each with 6 indexes (can be addressed through the indexes 0 to 5). Note: This new chart is then visible to the user. The Open instruction used to open the file contains the For Input expression in place of the For Output expression and, rather than the Print command for writing data, the Line Input instruction should be used to read the data. If the calls to SetModuleB and ShowVarB are independent, e.g. The preceding Document object could, for example, provide a Save method, which can be called as follows: Methods, just like functions, may contain parameters and return values. The decimal point is fixed and is followed by four decimal places. This chapter presents the central interfaces and services of text documents. The Dialog Editor: Creates personal dialog windows and provides scope for the adding of control elements and event handlers. Using these parameters, the user can open a LibreOffice document, since placeholders (dummy values) can be assigned to the last two parameters: The preceding call opens the test.odt file and displays this in a new window. Ability to open, edit, and save Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. This code inserts a drawing element in a page and then adds text to the top left corner of the drawing object using the TextVerticalAdjust and TextHorizontalAdjust properties. Establishing whether a section of a document has been directly or indirectly formatted is not easy. Literals are enclosed between hash signs #. The following example shows how all element names of a spreadsheet can thereby be determined and displayed in a loop: The hasByName method of the XNameAccess interface reveals whether a subordinate object with a particular name exists within the basic object. The properties for formatting headers are: The properties for formatting footers are: The content of headers and footers in a spreadsheet is accessed through the following properties: If you do not need to distinguish between headers or footers for odd and even pages (the FooterIsShared property is False), then set the properties for headers and footers on odd pages. The associated constants are defined in the enumeration. To avoid this problem, the DateSerial function should be used to assign a fixed value to a date variable: The function parameter must be in the sequence: year, month, day. Note: The following example checks whether the date saved in MyDate is in the year 2003. In addition to these "real" properties, there are also properties in LibreOffice Basic which consist of two methods at the UNO level. The letter "e" can be lowercase or uppercase with or without a plus sign (+) as a prefix. In addition to context-independent services, there are also context-dependent services whose objects are only useful when used in conjunction with another object. It then converts a URL into a local file name and also displays this. This is useful when an array has changed its dimensions. Note: The basic structure of the example is oriented towards the examples for running though the paragraph portions of a text already discussed previously. The following is a list of several methods for editing highlighted areas using a TextCursor and which also support the service: The service supports all the character and paragraph properties that were presented at the start of this chapter. In the same way, the following example checks whether MyTime is between 12 and 14 hours. It marks a certain point within a text document and can be navigated in various directions through the use of commands. Such array is declared without dimension, but may later be filled by an API function or with a Redim statement: You cannot assign a value to an empty array, since it does not contain any elements. With the value, LibreOffice Basic ignores the part of the exponent after the decimal point and interprets the expression as. When Var is 0, there is a match. The Replace function used for replacing does not fall within the standard linguistic scope of LibreOffice Basic. The bookmark is then assigned a name and is inserted in the document through insertTextContent at the cursor position. Spreadsheet documents, like text documents, provide a function for searching and replacing. If this is the case, the Control.Name property then checks whether the name of the control element is MyListBox. It iterates through a text document and creates a simple HTML file. Since the header and footer lines are defined as part of the page templates of LibreOffice, this is initially established using the list of all PageStyles. The two functions are handled identically. The assignment does not need to be placed at the end of the function, but can be made anywhere in the function. The Map AppFont (ma) replaces the Twips unit to achieve better platform independence. If the database is password protected, the example creates an InteractionHandler and opens the database connection using the ConnectWithCompletion method. VBA: Other limit values sometimes apply for data field indexes in VBA. In the following example the A parameter is obligatory, whereas the B parameter is optional. For example, you can check whether a user has typed a valid number or date. Here is an overview of the most important formatting properties and the points at which they are explained: The format properties are by no means restricted to the applications in which these are explained, but instead can be used universally. The service provides the following properties for defining background colors and shadows: The structure and the detailed specifications for cell shadows have the following structure: The following example writes the number 1000 to the cell B2, changes the background color to red using the CellBackColor property, and then creates a light gray shadow for the cell that is moved 1 mm to the left and down. The fourth variant is the option of projecting existing graphics into the fill area. These include tables, drawings, text fields and directories. If the bitmap is already available in LibreOffice, you just need to specify its name in the FillBitMapName property and its display style (simple, tiled, or elongated) in the FillBitmapMode property (default values in accordance with The regular expressions supported by LibreOffice are described in detail in the online help section for LibreOffice. The text frame is created using Doc.createInstance. VBA: Whereas the structure of an object in VBA is defined by the class to which it belongs, in LibreOffice Basic the structure is defined through the services which it supports. The sources from which the drivers take their data is irrelevant to a SDBC user. The following example sets the page size of a drawing document which has just been opened to 20 x 20 centimeters with a page margin of 0.5 centimeters: Warning: If the corresponding page does not exist, it is created and inserted in the drawing document by the insertNewByIndex method. When administering strings, LibreOffice Basic uses the set of Unicode characters. Checkboxes provide the following properties: The model object of a checkbox provides the following properties: The following example shows some of the properties for the checkboxes: These buttons are generally used in groups and allow you to select from one of several options. If the Dir function finds no more entries, it returns an empty string. In other terms, you may think of a struct as a record, or part of a record. The following properties can be specified: The following example shows how the number of pages can be inserted into the footer of a document. It only continues with the saving process if this is the case. Functions and procedures can receive one or more parameters. In the Dialog Editor, the property values are shown symbolically, as Default (0), Okay (1), and Cancel (2). After modification, the values must be transferred into the database using the updateRow()method. This example uses the insertByIndex method to insert a new column into the fourth column position in the sheet (index 3 - numbering starts at 0). A currency variable can store any value between -922337203685477.5808 and +922337203685477.5807 and takes up to eight bytes of memory. See #storeAsURL Method Options, below. This code inserts the test.jpg graphic and adapts its appearance using the Adjust properties. The simplest way to change the transparency of a drawing element is to use the FillTransparence property. This event is also used for notifying requests for a popup context menu on the control. Libreoffice basic programming guide pdf Anyone who is already familiar with LibreOffice Basic programming can find additional information in the Developer's Guide on LibreOffice Basic and LibreOffice programming. Example declaration of a Boolean variable: Date variables can contain date and time values. While the declaration MyInteger(3) creates three integer values in VBA with the indexes 1 to 3, the same declaration in LibreOffice Basic creates four integer values with the indexes 1 to 4. Here are a few examples: The following example shows how all empty lines in a text document can be removed with the help of the regular expression ^$: So far, this chapter has only dealt with text paragraphs and their portions. Accessing databases is often a matter of critical speed. Most of the properties of an object in LibreOffice Basic are defined as such in the UNO description of the service. If it does, the method determines a corresponding object reference by using the getByName method and then saves the reference in a variable in Sheet. Note: In the strictest sense of the word, a service in UNO does not support methods, but rather interfaces, which in turn provide different methods. An array declaration is similar to that of a simple variable declaration. The column objects support the service that has the following properties: The width of a column is only optimized when the OptimalWidth property is set to True. The getByIndex method returns a row object, which supports the service. You specify the qualifiers in the With statement. Similarly, if you set this value to zero for a control element, the element is displayed on all the tab pages in a dialog. In addition to pure strings, text documents also contain formatting information. This help section explains the most common functions of LibreOffice Basic. This uses the query window to check the SQL commands typed and corrects simple syntax errors, such as those associated with uppercase and lowercase characters. If assignment is successful, the function returns True. The pages of a drawing document are available through the DrawPages container. These include bold type and the font type. As of LibreOffice Version 3.3, this status does not show in the GUI, nor is there any GUI way to re-enable the feature. The API can be used not only by LibreOffice Basic, but also by other programming languages, such as Java and C++. The argument of the method is the position, counted from 0, of the existing page after which the new page will be inserted. To prevent this effect, the user can access the associated paragraph portions rather than the entire paragraph. Since LibreOffice Basic is a procedural programming language, several linguistic constructs have had to be added to it which enable the use of UNO. The computeFunction expects a constant as the parameter that describes the mathematical function that you want to use. This section describes four services and in each instance the sample program code uses a rectangle shape element that combines several types of formatting. In LibreOffice Basic, use the keyword Const to declare a constant. The following methods are provided as presentation objects: The following properties are also available: LibreOffice can display data as a chart, which creates graphical representations of numerical data in the form of bars, pie charts, lines or other elements. A special object which records the parameters for the process is also first needed for a replacement process. It returns the string produced in this way as the result of the replacement process. In this instance, the storeAsURL method is used. To pass parameters as values, use the ByVal keyword. return the number of pages, words, or characters of a text. LibreOffice therefore compresses the files and saves them as a ZIP file. The lengths are specified in hundredths of a millimeter. Note: The text can only be inserted after the drawing object has been added to the drawing page. Since XML is based on standard text files, the resultant files are usually very large. The second section addresses more complex editing functions, such as grouping, rotating, and scaling objects. Focus events indicate if a control element receives or loses focus. The global name ThisComponent generally returns the same object as StarDesktop.CurrentComponent, with one significant advantage. By means of a storeAsURL method option, the user can save the original XML files directly. To improve clarity, you should avoid using Option Base 1. The following properties are available in this context in the control elements model: Finally, the control element provides a setFocus method that ensures that the underlying control element receives the focus: A dialog in LibreOffice can have more than one tab page. The following example uses a recursive function to calculate the factorial of the numbers 42, -42, and 3.14: The example returns the factorial of the number 42 by recursively calling the CalculateFactorial function until it reaches the base condition of 0! The updateString method, for example, allows a string to be written. Each cell supports the and services, the main properties of which are described in #Text Documents. Instead, you need to create an array of the points, package this array in a second array (using the Array(Coordinates()) call), and then assign this array to the polygon. BASIC Files BASIC Runtime Library BASIC Runtime parameters BASIC Structured Data Types Andrew Pitonyak Latest Macro Guide LibreOffice and share the same Basic macro language and API (Application Programming Interface). The third section deals with presentations. Periods are, for example, interpreted as symbols indicating the end of sentences. Both the X and Y-axes have a gray grid for visual orientation. In so doing, the name of the proper service should be specified. The central properties are: The following example creates a text frame using the properties described previously: The example creates a TextCursor as the insertion mark for the text frame. By means of the (non-genuine) properties LeftText, CenterText, and RightText, this service provides three text elements for the headers and footers of LibreOffice Calc. Text tables are available in LibreOffice through the TextTables list of the document object. A text field can contain one or more lines and can be edited or blocked for user entries. The model object of a form button provides the following properties: Through the ButtonType property, you have the opportunity to define an action that is automatically performed when the button is pressed. LibreOffice provides the service for line objects. Since control element forms within the documents are administered like a special drawing element, there is also a, This page was last edited 13:55:11, 2022-12-07 by, Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Wiki are considered to be released under the. There is no type declaration symbol for Boolean variables. If you assign a floating point number to a long integer variable, the number is rounded up or down to the next whole number. For example, to process a mouse click, you may need the screen position where the mouse button was pressed. In its simplest form, the print call is: As in the case of the loadComponentFromURL method, the Dummy parameter is a PropertyValue data field through which LibreOffice can specify several options for printing. If the file name contains sub-directories, then these are separated by a single forward slash, not with a backslash usually used under Windows. SearchDescriptor service and can be created by means of the createSearchDescriptor method of a document: Once the SearchDescriptor has been created, it receives the text to be searched for: In terms of its function, the SearchDescriptor is best compared with the search dialog from LibreOffice. The following example creates a line chart. Fill and line properties ( and services) as well as the character properties ( service) are provided for further formatting of the elements. Alternatively, if only an empty document without any adaptation is needed, a private:factory URL can be specified: The call creates an empty LibreOffice writer document. Note: The formatting properties can be found in each object (Paragraph, TextCursor, and so on) and can be applied directly. In this guide, a table-based document or spreadsheet document is the entire document, whereas a spreadsheet (or sheet for short) is a sheet (table) in the document. The following example shows how a text file is opened, written, and closed: Text files are read in the same way that they are written. In addition to the listed properties, the service provides options for drawing dotted and dashed lines. They are listed in the source text without a comma separating the thousand figure: The numbers can be preceded by both a plus (+) or minus (-) sign (with or without a space in between): When you type a decimal number, use a period (.) Dialogs such as this one are described as modal because they do not permit any other program action until they are closed. The LoadLibrary method performs this task. therefore ensures that the text is preceded by a tab character (Unicode-value 9) and that a hard line break (Unicode-value 13) is added after the text. Chapter 1. The first 128 characters of the ISO character set correspond to the ASCII character set. In the simplest scenario, a table control element is linked to a database using the autopilot form, which links all columns with the relevant database fields in accordance with the user specifications. The properties are: Note: Note: The first example of this page may be written as: The second example of this page may be written as: The SelectCase instruction is an alternative to the cascaded If statement and is used when you need to check a value against various conditions: In this example, the name of a weekday corresponds to a number, so that the DayOfWeek variable is assigned the value of 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday value, and so on. If the True parameter is passed here, then insertControlCharacter replaces the current text. Several common examples to tell users how to write macros in different applications. TRUE is -1 and FALSE is 0. You can use these properties to trigger an event within an event handler. Note: Here we rename the first page of the drawing document. The execute method of the dialog returns the value 0, which is the same as when you click Cancel. LibreOffice Basic dialogs consist of a dialog window that can contain text fields, list boxes, radio buttons, and other control elements. There are, however, a few key differences: Users who want to provide their forms with their own methods for event handling, should refer to the #Dialogs chapter. The first section deals with the anatomy of text documents and concentrates on how a LibreOffice Basic program can be used to take iterative steps through a LibreOffice document. The Resume Next command continues the program from the line that follows where the error occurred in the program after the code in the error handler has been executed: Use the Resume Proceed command to specify a jump point for continuing the program after error handling: The term Proceed is a label. (For Writer documents only, you can use the Template Changer extension to set this feature again.). For example, you can create a rectangle and then insert another rectangle inside it to create a hole in the original rectangle: With respect as to which areas are filled and which areas are holes, LibreOffice applies a simple rule: the edge of the outer shape is always the outer border of the polypolygon. Instead use the LibreOffice Basic MouseUp event for the click event and imitate the Doubleclick event by changing the application logic. For this reason, this algorithm is also known as a Bubble sort. The variable can contain up to 15 numbers before the decimal point. To do this, the function expects a Format expression to be specified, which is then used as the template for formatting the numbers. LibreOffice Basic returns the name of the first directory entry found. Import and export of spreadsheets in multiple formats, including HTML, CSV, PDF, and Java LibreOffice Programming. Note: getCount returns how many objects are available. In some instances, the date cannot be converted: In the example shown, the assignment of the test string to a date variable makes no sense, so the Basic interpreter reports an error. Through the API, for example, documents can be created, opened, modified and printed. Calculations with long integer variables are very fast and are particularly useful for loop counters. The LibreOffice API provides you with a whole range of objects with which you can create, open and modify Office documents. The figure above shows the LibreOffice Basic development environment with a dialog window that contains two list boxes. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O within LibreOffice Draw and select the document you want to open. For Solaris and Linux, an evaluation of the stacksize is performed and the recursion level is calculated. The print method expects a PropertyValue data field as a parameter, which reflects the settings of the print dialog of LibreOffice: The following example shows how several pages of a document can be printed out using the Pages option: The interface provides the Printer property, which selects the printer. It is therefore a simple alternative to configuring dialogs. In the second example, the page is accessed by its name and the getByName method. Large sections of the basic constructs of LibreOffice Basic are compatible with Visual Basic. If you do have such collision, Basic may produce strange runtime error messages, or your Sub may not work. The following is an example of a search and replace process: This example uses the first page of the document to create a ReplaceDescriptor and then applies this to all pages in a loop. From a routine called by an event of a control, e.g. A dialog editor is provided for creating dialogs, and this can be found in the LibreOffice Basic development environment. 13 for LibO, and 1.3, ch. There is no direct counterpart in LibreOffice Basic for the Characters, Sentences and Words lists provided in VBA. Basic Guide - Computer Science and Engineering | Engineering Buy a printed copy. Note: Here is an list of the most important properties of the table object: A table consists of a list containing rows. Note: The replacement function of LibreOffice is particularly effective when used in conjunction with regular expressions. The cell objects are available through the getCellByName() method of the table object. VBA: The VBA option for issuing list entries with a numerical additional value (ItemData) does not exist in LibreOffice Basic. The values required (in the example, those from the CustomerNumber field) returns the ResultSet using the getString method, whereby the parameter 1 determines that the call relates to the values of the first column. The active document object is accessed in LibreOffice through the StarDesktop.CurrentComponent property, or through ThisComponent. Here are the associated properties of the service: Once the SearchDescriptor has been prepared as requested, it can be applied to the text document. The program now checks whether the ResultSet actually exists and traverses the data records using a loop. LibreOffice provides the service for more complicated tasks, including navigating backward within a document or navigating based on sentences and words rather than TextPortions. Validity range with start and end values can be specified for the of! There is no type declaration symbol for a popup context menu on control! 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